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The e-library aims to provide and deliver a highly effective learning experience to the academic community through using Web and Internet technologies as an extension of the services in the conventional library. Nevertheless, e-library computer equipment is for educational and research purposes only. This section also houses Audio-visual collection such as CD and DVD and Kindle (E-books) that supports teaching, learning and research needs of the College.

Service Hours

Regular Term

Monday ─ Friday

8:00 AM ─ 5:00 PM

Note: E-library is closed during Trimestral Break.


School I.D.

Procedures on the use of Electronic Book Reader (Kindle) and Instructional Media


  • Present a valid school ID.
  • Fill out Borrowing Agreement Form.
  • Use the EBR and IM at the designated area in the library.


Present the inspection form (IF) to the librarian in charge.

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